2023 SPEC Student Summer Research Awards

Please submit your nomination/application here :
Ask your advisor to submit the recommandation here:
Due date: All application materials are due by 5 pm, June 2nd.
The Sustainable Power and Energy Center, SPEC, is an Agile Center of Excellence of the Jacobs School of Engineering. Founded in 2015, the mission of the Center is to promote collaborative research in sustainability and foster industrial partnerships.
With the generous support of our member companies, we are pleased to announce the "SPEC Student Summer Research Awards". The award is established to recognize research excellence and great service by our graduate students. As a pilot, we will select up to 5 students to receive $5000 each to support them during their summer research period.
Eligibility: The award will be open to all students of SPEC faculties. For a list of current SPEC faculty members, please visit the SPEC website at https://spec.ucsd.edu
Selection criteria: 1) research excellence; and 2) contributions to SPEC activities. For research Consideration will also be given to students who have innovative ideas and plans to engage in future SPEC activities.
Selection process: A committee of 3 faculty.
Nomination materials: a CV with publications in the past year noting specific contributions of the student; a recommendation letter from the advisor in the form of a few bullets in a google form. Self-nomination is allowed.